Fostering a work environment that brings out the best in employees starts with the right leadership, as Simon Sinek explains in a passionate speech, labeled “the best speech of all time.” Sinek argues that empathy is the core quality of great leaders. Employees must know their leaders understand them before they can feel safe to articulate what they need to excel at their jobs. Although Sinek spoke with senior leaders in mind, everybody who enjoys stirring oration will savor this video from Inspiritory.
About the Speaker
Leadership and management consultant Simon Sinek is the author of Start with Why and Leaders Eat Last.
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Sea emocionalmente inteligente

Desarrolle la organización

Liderazgo ejecutivo

Fomente una cultura de innovación

Fomente la comunicación abierta

Recursos humanos


Lidere estratégicamente

Lidere a su equipo



Domine la colaboración

Domine habilidades interpersonales

Dé forma a la cultura organizacional

Muestre empatía y compasión

Habilidades blandas

Comprenda los enfoques de liderazgo

Habilidades para el lugar de trabajo
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