How Chinese Companies Acquire Talent From Silicon Valley
An Interview With JD.com's Chief Technology Officer Zhang Chen
More and more Chinese Internet giants like JD.com have set up R&D centers in Silicon Valley to keep up with the latest trends and innovations in the hi-tech industry. In this interview conducted by Chou Hsiao Lin, JD.com chief technology officer Zhang Chen talks about how his firm acquires top talent in Silicon Valley and what it’s like to work at JD.com compared with American rivals. However, Zhang doesn’t mention the talent retention strategies of other companies and doesn't explore whether all Chinese Internet giants could benefit from recruiting international talent rather than scouting primarily Chinese workers. getAbstract recommends this article to business leaders interested in the talent development strategies of Chinese Internet giants in Silicon Valley.
About the Author
Chou Hsiao Lin is an international news reporter for 36Kr, a tech and science media platform.
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