Shari Harley
How to Say Anything to Anyone
A Guide to Building Business Relationships that Really Work
Greenleaf Book Group, 2013
¿De qué se trata?
Improve your workplace relationships and build trust with clear, mutually supportive communication.
Communication consultant Shari Harley says today’s workplace lacks crucial candor, and she tells you what to do about it. Everyone would enjoy healthier business interactions if they spoke their minds honestly and openly, and knew that their co-workers would do the same. Harley shares several simple steps to help you initiate and nurture more honest office communication. Her points are quite clear, even when her text proves repetitive. getAbstract recommends Harley’s insightful and useful tips – despite whatever initial awkwardness following them might generate – and recognizes that even if you can’t be completely honest with absolutely everyone, a more straightforward workplace remains a worthy goal.
About the Author
Consultant Shari Harley founded Candid Culture, a firm that teaches honest communication.
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