Lenora Chu
Little Soldiers
An American Boy, a Chinese School, and the Global Race to Achieve
Harper, 2017
¿De qué se trata?
China’s educational system vests in the raw power of memorization and discipline.
China is a leader in developing academic superstars, especially in math and science. Many educators regard these students as programmed to excel at memorization, but unable to think independently. Chinese teachers often use a rigid approach that they base on ancient and, some say, outdated Confucian principles. Journalist Lenora Chu, an American of Chinese heritage, and her husband sent their five-year-old son to Shanghai’s most prestigious kindergarten. She investigated and analyzed China’s educational system and details what makes it great while identifying its deficiencies.
About the Author
Lenora Chu is an American author, journalist and public speaker with experience in the US, China, and Europe. She’s an international correspondent with the nonprofit Christian Science Monitor. She is an internationally recognized education expert who has given speeches about comparative education on four continents. Her articles and op-eds have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Science, and New York Magazine, among others.
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