Making Sustainability Work
Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts
Published by Greenleaf Publishing Ltd. in the UK. Published simultaneously in the US and Canada by Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
Reproduced by permission of Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
ISBN: 9781576754863
Pages: 288
Management professor Mark J. Epstein conducted extensive academic research into the best social and environmental – that is, sustainability – practices of 100 companies worldwide. Drawing on that knowledge, he developed a “Corporate Sustainability Model” to show business leaders how to implement the right organizational processes to create, measure and promote corporate social responsibility (CSR) and “corporate social opportunity.” The book is quite dense and academic, with much of its information packed into evocative but complex charts, so it seeks a professional audience. getAbstract recommends it to corporate decision makers as a well-informed, thorough manual.
About the Author
Rice University professor Marc J. Epstein is an expert in designing and implementing corporate strategies and developing their performance metrics.
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