Move the Ball
How the Game of American Football Can Help You Achieve Your Life Goals
The parallels between winning in American football and winning in life are striking. In football, you must prepare fully for each upcoming game. In life, success also requires preparing extensively. Jennifer A. Garrett, an executive coach and attorney with extensive corporate experience, dissects football and insightfully details how readers can leverage the game’s lessons to win big in life. Garrett says she knows “football inside and out.” She clearly has vast knowledge, though you might not always concur with her opinions. For example, giving credit to perseverance and practice, she believes talent isn’t what makes the difference between average football players and superstars, yet anyone who played against Bo Jackson, Lawrence Taylor, Randy Moss or Jim Brown might disagree. getAbstract recommends Garrett’s informative, motivational ideas to all those who believe American football demonstrates a lot about how to succeed.
About the Author
Executive coach, corporate consultant and motivational speaker Jennifer A. Garrett, JD, serves as a Judge Advocate in the Army National Guard. She has five children, holds seven degrees and won the GE Women’s Network Hall of Fame “Real Life Hero” Award. Her experience includes working for the US government and for Fortune 50 Companies such as Boeing and GE.
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