This folksy compilation of stories about people and companies who deliver "Positively Outrageous Service" (POS) has the right mix to prove that people love great service and the companies that deliver it. The stories may meander, but author T. Scott Gross is so popular because he knows how to weave humor, personal anecdotes and actual business stories into a cohesive argument that almost all business is personal and local. This form of bottom-up business advice places great importance upon the front-line employees who represent your business. Gross explains that front-line workers can make or break your brand and your sales, no matter what size your business is. He provides good business lessons, so don’t let the light reading mislead you. getAbstract.com recommends this book to managers of any business in the service sector who want to give their employees the power and motivation to deliver great service.
About the Author
T. Scott Gross is a customer service and management expert who works with large corporations. He is the author of eight books, including Why Service Stinks.
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