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Resisting the Rise of Facial Recognition

Resisting the Rise of Facial Recognition

Growing use of surveillance technology has prompted calls for bans and stricter regulation.

Nature, 2020

Editorial Rating



  • Comprehensive
  • Eye Opening
  • Hot Topic


Facial recognition technology (FRT) is used for smartphone security, passport control, police investigations and many other applications. As the rollout of FRT accelerates, regulations to control its application are playing catch-up – and are mostly insufficient to safeguard people’s privacy and freedom. Antoaneta Roussi and Richard Van Noorden’s article is a disconcerting and important read.


  • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the rollout of automated facial recognition technology (FRT).
  • Researchers and rights activists are questioning the legality of FRT’s use.
  • The easy availability of people’s photos online makes controlled inclusion in watch lists impossible.

About the Authors

Antoaneta Roussi is a freelance journalist and writer based in Nairobi, Kenya. Additional reporting by Richard Van Noorden, a features editor at Nature Research.

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