David Bach
Start Late, Finish Rich
A No-Fail Plan for Achieving Financial Freedom at Any Age
Broadway Books, 2005
¿De qué se trata?
Learn how to be richer tomorrow by deciding to start today – complete coaching from David Bach.
The shelves are full of books on personal finance and retirement. Many cover a familiar list of sound principles: Save, get out of debt, pay down your mortgage, add to your retirement investments and live fully. However, getAbstract finds that David Bach’s books are effective in their own distinctive way because of his emphasis on quality of life and simplicity (like using automatic deductions to meet your fiscal goals). Bach’s bestsellers have developed a wide following. If he is your preferred financial guru, you will enjoy this guide to a better fiscal future.
About the Author
David Bach is a bestselling author, television personality and seminar teacher. His books include The Automatic Millionaire and Smart Couples Finish Rich.
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