Marilee Adams
Teaching That Changes Lives
12 Mindset Tools for Igniting the Love of Learning
Berrett-Koehler, 2013
¿De qué se trata?
Your mind-set affects how well you listen, learn and relate to others. Change it to be a more effective teacher.
Education consultant Marilee Adams discusses teachers and administrators who function with either an open, positive, curious “Learner mind-set” or a negative, closed and apathetic “Judger mind-set.” Adams explains how an administrator or teacher’s point of view affects learning, intelligence and conflict management. Adding 12 useful attitude-shaping tools in a 30-page workbook at the back of the volume, Adams presents a parable about a sixth-grade teacher who considers quitting teaching. Her mentor heightens her dedication, teaches her about mind-sets and challenges, and inspires her to change her mental approach so that she can become a better teacher. getAbstract recommends Adams’s helpful guidance to K-12 teachers, university professors, as well as school principals and education administrators.
About the Author
Professor and coach Marilee Adams also wrote The Art of the Question, a psychology textbook, and Change Your Questions, Change Your Life, a book of business advice.
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