The Cognition Crisis
Anxiety. Depression. ADHD. Dementia. The human brain is in trouble. Technology is a cause — and a solution.
You inherited an insatiable thirst for information. It’s a trait that’s kept humans alive for millennia, but the advent of information technology turned the trickle of information your brain evolved to devour into an overwhelming flood. The bad news is that the flood is drowning your prefrontal cortex. Adam Gazzaley – a professor of neurology and psychiatric physiology – calls the correlated rises in depression, anxiety and dementia a “cognition crisis.” Could the technology that produced the problem also provide the solution? getAbstract recommends Gazzaley’s timely article to the parents, doctors and technologists who might save the population from serious cognitive decline.
About the Author
Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD, is a professor of neurology and psychiatry physiology at UCSF. He founded and directs Neuroscape and cofounded Akili Interactive, JAZZ VP and Sensync.
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