The Elegant Pitch
Create a Compelling Recommendation, Build Broad Support, and Get it Approved
Executives and managers frequently face the responsibility of developing and presenting recommendations for fixing problems or seizing opportunities. Whether simply unaware of how to shape a good performance or totally frozen in the headlights, they often end up offering complex presentations that blur their proposals, confuse more than they enlighten and drift into tangential issues. Consultant Mike Figliuolo offers a “structured thought process” for developing better presentations. His valuable guide explains how you can create more effective talks by thinking clearly, logically and systematically. Such thinking is the foundation of a great – even “elegant” – presentation. getAbstract recommends Figliuolo’s methods to anyone who has to explain something to an audience.
About the Author
Mike Figliuolo is founder and managing director of thoughtLEADERS, which specializes in leadership development and training at world-class companies.
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