The Leadership Challenge
How to Keep Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations
James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner’s remarkable guide debunks the myth of the leader as a maverick rather than a team player. It also tackles the image of the leader as a special breed. Indeed, the book’s basic premise is that there are certain critical and identifiable skills that most anyone can learn and adopt in order to become an effective leader. The authors spell out these skill sets, and list the guiding principles that leaders should follow and represent to their organizations. The seminal book is a mile deep and a mile wide. getabstract recommends this excellent manual to all current and future leaders.
About the Authors
James M. Kouzes is the CEO and chairman of Tom Peters Group/Learning Systems. Barry Z. Posner is dean of Santa Clara University’s Leavey School of Business and Administration. IndustryWeek magazine named their previous book, Credibility , as one of the best business books of 1993. The authors are also frequent speakers and corporate consultants to 3M, AT&T, Kodak and many other organizations.
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