The Manager’s Answer Book
Powerful Tools to Build Trust and Teams, Maximize Your Impact and Influence, and Respond to Challenges
In this practical, useful question-and-answer guidebook, consultants Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem discuss many of the hidden difficulties managers face and how they can cope with them effectively. Managers can err in many ways and not even know it. Agree to meet a vendor for lunch, and you could be in violation of an organizational rule that prohibits accepting such a gratuity. If someone you hire injures someone else, you could be named as a party to a negligent-hiring claim. Fail to pass pertinent medical information from an employee to HR or senior management and you could run afoul of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This manual will be equally helpful to new managers, experienced managers facing new challenges, and managers joining new firms that function differently from their previous employers.
About the Authors
Barbara Mitchell is managing partner of The Mitchell Group, a human resources and organizational development consulting practice. Cornelia Gamlem, SPHR, is founder and president of The Gems Group, a management consulting firm that offers human resources and business solutions.
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