The Power of Why
ISBN: 9781443413183
Pages: 288
Productivity depends on innovation. Innovation depends on intense curiosity – the quest to find out: “Is there a way to do this better/cheaper/faster?” This question prompted Jeff Bezos to create Amazon, Michael Dell to start Dell Computer and Niklas Zennström to organize Skype. Asking “Why” prompted Sean Moore to invent the Crescent Rod, a curved shower curtain rod; Chip Wilson to found Lululemon Athletica, a quality yoga clothing supplier; and four Harvard students to invent Soccket – a soccer ball that generates electrical power for poor families through kinetic energy. Business journalist Amanda Lang reveals how asking “Why?” can fuel innovation and promote a spirit of inquiry in your workplace. She offers valuable insights and excellent case histories. getAbstract recommends her findings to parents, executives, educators, and all those who want their organizations – or, for that matter, their kids – to be innovative and productive.
About the Author
Award-winning journalist Amanda Lang covered business in North America for 20 years. She is the producer and anchor of Bloomberg North on Bloomberg TV Canada.
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