The success of any company depends on motivated employees, but keeping them inspired can be challenging. In an eye-opening interview with the tech publication First Round Review, Affirm chief product officer Jack Chou goes over his unique workplace motivation model, which focuses on the four elements of “people, ownership, goals” and “mission.” His professional insight is valuable for any manager or CEO looking for a systematic approach for business success with engaged workers.
About the Author
First Round Review brings in experts in the technology world to discuss how people can change their companies and careers.
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Sea emocionalmente inteligente

Construya relaciones sólidas

Desarrolle la organización

Impulse el compromiso de los empleados

Mejore la experiencia de los empleados

Liderazgo ejecutivo

Fomente una cultura de innovación

Fomente la comunicación abierta

Recursos humanos


Lidere estratégicamente

Lidere a su equipo


Viva Bien


Domine la colaboración

Domine habilidades interpersonales

Motive a su equipo

Crecimiento personal

Dé forma a la cultura organizacional

Habilidades blandas

Habilidades para el lugar de trabajo
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