Stuart Leaf and Daniel Doll-Steinberg
Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies
Wiley, 2023
¿De qué se trata?
Advances in AI and other technologies will spark the greatest societal transformation since the discovery of fire.
Technological innovation is “advancing at an exponential rate.” It’s therefore imperative, say investors Daniel Doll-Steinberg and Stuart Leaf, that society decides what kind of future it wants. This decision depends on understanding the potential of today’s and tomorrow’s technology. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of current and possible technologies and trends, including sentient artificial intelligence (AI), super-powerful quantum computers, and the migration of real-world activities to a computer-simulated “metaverse.”
About the Authors
Investor Daniel Doll-Steinberg specializes in emerging technologies. Stuart Leaf founded the investment firm Cadogan Management.
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