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What You Do Is Who You Are
A review of

What You Do Is Who You Are

How to Create Your Business Culture

Be Like Genghis!

by David Meyer

Venture capitalist and best-selling author Ben Horowitz offers wit and unlikely – though effective – historical examples as part of his culture-creating advice.

Co-founder and general partner at the venture capital firm Andreessen-Horowitz, Ben Horowitz is the New York Times best-selling author of The Hard Thing About Hard Things. His message is that your company’s success hinges on the culture you create, whether you shape it purposefully or accidentally. Horowitz explains how to create a worthwhile culture by strategically embracing the virtues you value most. 

Although Horowitz finds that culture is complex and reflects everything from office dynamics to CEO leadership styles, he approaches it practically. In this pragmatic guide, he teaches you how to assess your company’s culture and identify symptoms of a broken culture by gleaning inspiration from the code of ancient Samurai warriors, from rebellious hero Toussaint Louverture and from conqueror Genghis Khan.

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