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Resultados de búsqueda para "robin sharma"


8 Video
Robin Chase
Global Peter Drucker Forum, 2015

El líder que no tenía cargo

Una fábula moderna sobre el liderazgo en la empresa y en la vida /The Leader Who Had No Title (Spanish Edition)
Robin Sharma
Debolsillo, 2012
7 Report

A Talk from Robin Bew on Hyperglobalisation and Chinese M&A

Robin Bew Presents at China: Prepare for Opportunity, 2012, Shanghai
Robin Bew
EIU, 2012
6 Book

The 5 AM Club

Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life
Robin Sharma
HarperCollins, 2018
7 Book

The Leader Who Had No Title

A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life
Robin Sharma
Free Press, 2010
7 Article

The Resurgence of the Rest

Can Emerging Markets Find New Paths to Growth?
Ruchir Sharma
Foreign Affairs, 2021
7 Book

The Rise and Fall of Nations

Forces of Change in the Post-Crisis World
Ruchir Sharma
W.W. Norton, 2016
9 Article
Robin Petterd
Sprout Labs, 2020

White Fragility

Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Robin DiAngelo
Beacon Press, 2018
8 Article

After the Islamic State

As the caliphate crumbles, rival movements struggle for the soul of Sunni jihadism.
Robin Wright
The New Yorker, 2016
8 Libro

Aprendizaje informal en las organizaciones

Cómo generar una cultura de aprendizaje continuo
Robin Hoyle
Kogan Page, 2015