
Liderazgo Basal: El reto de dirigir una empresa en el s. XXI


Luis Ronda Zuloaga, EDICIONES UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA, S.A., 2024-01-24T00:00:01Z
Idioma: Español


  En revisión
Enviado por usuario anónimo
29 de agosto de 2024

  En proceso
Revisado por Jocelyn Paulino
10 de septiembre de 2024

We are considering the content you've suggested for a summary, and we'll inform you once that summary goes online. Please note that we secure rights for everything we summarize – this may take a while.

Sometimes, we decide against a summary later, because we prefer another, similar publication, or because the rights owners don't want us to summarize their content. We thank you for your understanding if that should be the case with your suggestion.