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Discover Nonverbal Communication

Master nonverbal communication so you can read between the lines.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

Step 2


Step 3


Take Your Learning Further

👋🏼 Hi! I'm Maven, your virtual guide.

Over the next 10 minutes, I'll help you reflect on practical questions to apply your learnings in real-life scenarios.

By the end, you will feel more confident when approaching similar situations in the future. You'll also receive your responses via email.

8 Book

Body Language Secrets to Win More Negotiations

How to Read Any Opponent and Get What You Want
Greg Williams
Career Press, 2016
8 Book


Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges
Amy Cuddy
Little, Brown US, 2015

Perceived Trustworthiness

Abbie Maroño

About the Session

Together with Dr. Abbie Maroño, learn how important the perception of trustworthiness is, and how it can influence future interactions and relationships.

Abbie Maroño

  • Behavioural Scientist
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Director of Education

About the Session

Together with Dr. Abbie Maroño, learn how important the perception of trustworthiness is, and how it can influence future interactions and relationships.

Abbie Maroño

  • Behavioural Scientist
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Director of Education