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Find Your Business Model

Unleash your business model innovation to stay ahead of the curve.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

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👋🏼 Hi! I'm Maven, your virtual guide.

Over the next 10 minutes, I'll help you reflect on practical questions to apply your learnings in real-life scenarios.

By the end, you will feel more confident when approaching similar situations in the future. You'll also receive your responses via email.

10 Book

Business Model Generation

A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
Wiley, 2010
8 Book
David J. Bland and Alex Osterwalder
Wiley, 2019
9 Book

The Invincible Company

Business Model Strategies From the World’s Best Products, Services, and Organizations
Alan Smith et al.
Wiley, 2020

Finding Your Business Model

Alex Osterwalder

About the Session

Discover how to avoid the most common mistakes of using the Business Model Canvas. Learn about Business Model Patterns to design better business models. Don’t forget to test your good looking Business Model Canvases.

Alex Osterwalder

About the Session

Discover how to avoid the most common mistakes of using the Business Model Canvas. Learn about Business Model Patterns to design better business models. Don’t forget to test your good looking Business Model Canvases.

Alex Osterwalder