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Master Virtual Presentations

Captivate your audience in the remote work era.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

Step 2


Step 3


Take Your Learning Further

👋🏼 Hi! I'm Maven, your virtual guide.

Over the next 10 minutes, I'll help you reflect on practical questions to apply your learnings in real-life scenarios.

By the end, you will feel more confident when approaching similar situations in the future. You'll also receive your responses via email.

8 Book

You Were Born to Speak

So What’s Holding You Back?
Richard Newman
Richard Newman, 2018
8 Book

Presenting Virtually

Communicate and Connect With Online Audiences
Patti Sanchez
Patti Sanchez, 2021

Virtual presentation skills

Richard Newman

About the Session

The majority of our business presence has shifted to the online world. It has become much more important to present either yourself or your work digitally, rather than in a room full of people. Learn together with communications expert and UKBodyTalk founder Richard Newman how to best bring something across in a digital environment.

Richard Newman

  • Keynote speaker
  • Communication Expert
  • Author
  • Founder of Body Talk

About the Session

The majority of our business presence has shifted to the online world. It has become much more important to present either yourself or your work digitally, rather than in a room full of people. Learn together with communications expert and UKBodyTalk founder Richard Newman how to best bring something across in a digital environment.

Richard Newman

  • Keynote speaker
  • Communication Expert
  • Author
  • Founder of Body Talk