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Reskill and Upskill Employees

Prepare your employees for the future of work.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

Step 2


Step 3


Take Your Learning Further

👋🏼 Hi! I'm Maven, your virtual guide.

Over the next 10 minutes, I'll help you reflect on practical questions to apply your learnings in real-life scenarios.

By the end, you will feel more confident when approaching similar situations in the future. You'll also receive your responses via email.


Upskill, Reskill, Thrive

Optimizing Learning and Development in the Workplace
James McKenna
CAST Professional Publishing, 2023
9 Book

Learning at Speed

How to Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce at Pace to Drive Business Performance
Nelson Sivalingam
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

The Upskilling Imperative

5 Ways to Make Learning Core to the Way We Work
Shelley Osborne
McGraw-Hill, 2020
8 Book

Long Life Learning

Preparing for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet
Michelle Weise
Wiley, 2020

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