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Robinson Meyer

8 Article

Is AI Really About to Devour All Our Energy?

There is precedent for this panic.
Robinson Meyer
Heatmap, 2024
8 Article
Robinson Meyer
The New York Times, 2023
8 Article

Why Dead Trees Are ‘the Hottest Commodity on the Planet’

Blame climate change, wildfires, hungry beetles … and Millennial home buyers.
Robinson Meyer
The Atlantic, 2021
7 Article

The Plan That Could Give Us Our Lives Back

The US has never had enough coronavirus tests. Now a group of epidemiologists, economists and dreamers is plotting a new strategy to defeat the virus, even before a vaccine is found.
Alexis C. Madrigal and Robinson Meyer
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Article

How to Fight Amazon (Before You Turn 29)

Lina Khan Has a Novel Theory About Monopolies – and Her Sights Are Set Squarely on the Company.
Robinson Meyer
The Atlantic, 2018