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Robert Slater

7 Book

Seizing Power

The Grab for Global Oil Wealth (Bloomberg)
Robert Slater
Bloomberg Press, 2010
7 Book


The World's Most Influential Investor
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 2008
6 Book

No Such Thing as Over-Exposure

Inside the Life and Celebrity of Donald Trump
Robert Slater
FT Prentice Hall, 2005
8 Book

Get Better or Get Beaten

29 Leadership Secrets from GE's Jack Welch
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 2001
7 Book

Saving Big Blue

Leadership Lessons and Turnaround Tactics of IBM's Lou Gerstner
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 1999
8 Book

Jack Welch and the GE Way

Management Insights and Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 1998