Dave Ulrich and Arthur K. Yeung
How Companies Can Deliver Radically Greater Value in Fast-Changing Markets
Dave Ulrich et al.
Why the War for Talent Is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It
Dave Ulrich
Talent, Leadership, and Culture
Realizing the Market Value of Leadership
Dave Ulrich et Norm Smallwood
Les sept disciplines des leaders exceptionnels pour mettre en œuvre le changement
Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood
Seven Disciplines to Achieve the Changes Great Leaders Know They Must Make
Six compétences nécessaires à l’avenir des ressources humaines
Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
Building Human Resources From the Outside In
Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich
How Great Leaders Build Abundant Organizations that Win
Five Rules to Lead By
How to Implement GE's Revolutionary Method for Busting Bureaucracy and Attacking Organizational Problems - Fast!
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