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Dans : Gestion d'entreprise

Organizational Self-Management

Consider a flock of birds: They are all flying in the same direction in perfect unison although no one leaders guides the flock or prescribes the direction. That’s how self-managing companies work. Holacracy, for example, is a method of decentralized management that replaces hierarchy with self-organizing teams who agree on a path forward. Similarly, in Teal organizations, individuals can make crucial decisions as long as they ask those in the know for relevant advice – and heed it. Tell that to the birds.


8 Livre

Reinventing Organizations

Vers des communautés de travail inspirées
Frederic Laloux
Nelson Parker, 2014
8 Livre

The One thing

Passez à l’essentiel
Gary Keller et Jay Papasan
Alisio, 2020
8 Livre

La Révolution Holacracy

Le système de management des entreprises performantes
Brian J. Robertson
Éditions Leduc.s, 2016

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