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Isaac Mizrahi
America’s Business Growth Engine
Stuart Ewen
Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture
Joël Hazan et al.
Advancing as a Responsible Pioneer: Rarity, Sustainability, Exclusivity, New Experiences, and New Territories
Alice Sherwood
Selling cheap fakes of a successful product makes horribly good business sense. Is there any way to stop it?
Michael Chui et al.
There’s a big market to be unearthed if companies meet the real needs of Black consumers.
Ryan Lenora Brown
Many clothing donations end up in an unexpected place – African landfills.
Martin Lindstrom
The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends
Heather Long and Andrew Van Dam
Delivery services, socks, razors, gyms, streaming services, and even restaurants and car washes. Some Americans are now signed up for 10 or more. It’s bringing convenience – and a lot of monthly fees.
Aparna Bharadwaj et al.
What really drives consumer choice around the world? An intensive BCG research project offers three key insights.
Zhou Xiaoqi
Mumu Seo
The Ripple Effects of Technology and Social Media
Jake Hulyer