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Jeremie Bacon
Noel Capon
The Comprehensive Handbook for Managing Your Company's Most Important Strategic Asset
Terry R. Bacon, Ph.D.
Tools, Techniques and Practical Solutions
Peter Cheverton
A Complete Action Kit of Tools and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Key Supplier Status
Peter Cheverton et al.
Tools and Techniques for Building Strong Relationships with Major Clients
William "Skip" Miller
Convince the C-Suite. Win Over Management. Secure the Sale.
April Dunford and Brent Adamson
Greg Nutter
The Essentials of B2B Sales Success
Sean Geehan
The Ultimate Weapon for Achieving Sustainable, Predictable and Profitable Growth
Clare Rayner
Les secrets de la commercialisation de votre produit
The Secrets of Getting Your Product to Market
Jeff Thull
Close the Value Gap, Increase Margins, and Win the Complex Sale