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Valerie Cerra and Sweta C. Saxena
A New Paradigm of the Business Cycle and Its Policy Implications
Glenn D. Rudebusch
Tomáš Sedláček
John M. Makin
Recession in 2014?
Peter Navarro
Managing the Business Cycle for Competitive Advantage
Peter C. Oppenheimer
Analysing Cycles in Markets
Richard C. Koo
Lessons from Japan's Great Recession
Omar Abbosh et al.
How Compression Threatens Old Industries
Jeremy Rifkin
L’internet des objets, l’émergence des communaux collaboratifs et l’éclipse du capitalisme
Tim Mahedy and Daniel J. Wilson
Economic Innovation Group
Consequences for Regions, Markets, and Workers
Bruce A. Blonigen and Justin R. Pierce