Callisto Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Callisto Media.

9 Livre

Les techniques d’écoute active

30 outils pratiques pour parfaire vos compétences communicationnelles
Nixaly Leonardo
Callisto, 2020
9 Book

Active Listening Techniques

30 Practical Tools to Hone Your Communication Skills
Nixaly Leonardo
Callisto, 2020

Leadership, Reinvented

How to Foster Empathy, Servitude, Diversity, and Innovation in the Workplace
Hamza Khan
Callisto, 2021

Executive Presence for the Modern Leader

A Guide to Cultivating Success and Thriving in the Workplace
D.A. Benton
Callisto, 2021

The Storytelling Code

10 Simple Rules to Shape and Tell a Brilliant Story
Dana Norris
Callisto, 2020