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Lioncrest Publishing Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Lioncrest Publishing.


The Business Playbook

How to Document and Delegate What You Do So Your Company Can Grow Beyond You
Chris Ronzio
Lioncrest Publishing, 2021
8 Livre

L’entreprise prospère

Instaurer une culture de la haute performance : guide à l’intention des dirigeants
Andrew Freedman et Paul Elliott
Lioncrest Publishing, 2021
8 Book


The Leader's Guide to Building a High-Performance Culture
Andrew Freedman and Paul Elliott
Lioncrest Publishing, 2021

Founder Brand

Turn Your Story Into Your Competitive Advantage
Dave Gerhardt
Lioncrest Publishing, 2022
9 Livre

La guerre des talents

Comment les forces spéciales et les entreprises performantes remportent la bataille des talents
George Randle et Mike Sarraille
Lioncrest Publishing, 2020
9 Book

The Talent War

How Special Operations and Great Organizations Win on Talent
George Randle and Mike Sarraille
Lioncrest Publishing, 2020
8 Book


How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster
Bill Bonner
Lioncrest Publishing, 2014