Aperçu rapide des résumés de O’Reilly Media.
Aileen Nielsen
Achieving Fair and Secure Data Models
Jez Humble et al.
How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale
Melissa Perri
How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value
Jeff Patton
Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product
Michael Lopp
La stratégie des petits pas
Small Things, Done Well
Simon David Clatworthy
How to Win Through Customer Experience
Heidi Helfand
The Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams
Matt LeMay
Guide pratique pour mieux comprendre le rôle de liaison le plus important du 21e siècle
Travis Lowdermilk and Monty Hammontree
Six Proven Strategies to Hack Your Culture and Develop a Learning-Focused Organization
Jean Dahl
Garantir la réussite et développer un cadre de leadership
David Carmona
Learn from Real Companies and Microsoft’s Journey How to Redefine Your Organization with AI
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