Baidu’s 17-Year Product History
The Path from Breakthrough to Dominance to Losing Its Way to Anxiousness to Transformation
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Baidu, China’s go-to search engine and one of the country’s largest tech corporations, was the first Chinese company to be listed on NASDAQ. In the third quarter of 2016, however, Baidu’s revenue growth rate hit an all-time low, decreasing 0.7% from the previous year – the first negative growth since the company went public. Its market value fell to $60.7 billion in the third quarter of 2016, compared to Alibaba’s $260.7 billion and Tencent’s $255.9 billion. Huang Youcan and Fan Xiaojun of tech education company Sanjieke present Baidu’s 17-year product history to help readers understand how Baidu rose to the top and what caused it to struggle. getAbstract recommends their article to entrepreneurs and people curious about Internet giants.
About the Authors
Huang Youcan is the founder of Sanjieke, an education-focused technology company that offers online classes for product managers and operations managers. Sanjieke organizes offline events and publishes insights and analysis of the tech industry. Fan Xiaojun is a former student and contributing writer for Sanjieke.
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