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It's About State

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Editorial Rating



  • Innovative


When most people think of the blockchain, they picture Bitcoin. But blockchain technology has endless potential beyond electronic currency. Entrepreneur Stephan Tual provides several examples of the blockchain’s extensive applications. Although Tual assumes his audience has more than a passing acquaintance with the blockchain, getAbstract recommends his talk to anyone interested in understanding the technology’s underlying principles.


Many predict that humans will interact with digital entities in cyberspace in the future. Slock.it – a firm that leverages the blockchain and the Internet of Things to rent, sell or share physical objects – foresees an alternate future: Slock.it’s technology connects the blockchain to the real world by giving physical objects unique digital identities, allowing the objects to receive payments and enter into commercial contracts without human management. Since the transactions occur on the blockchain, they enjoy the blockchain’s benefits: They are “immutable, corruptionproof” and “resistant to collusion.” They are encrypted, and...

About the Speaker

Entrepreneur Stephan Tual founded Ursium and Slock.it. He is a former COO of Ethereum.

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