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Chinese cities are under lockdown, schools are closing and emergency hospitals are being built. The World Health Organization (WHO) calls it a public health emergency that has reached a status of heightened international concern. So how scared should you be? The host of the popular Science Vs. podcast, Wendy Zukerman, offers a voice of reason and some sound advice for dealing with the latest global health scare. You don’t need a PhD in virology to be able to follow her show, or her advice. You mostly just need a bar of soap.
About the Podcast
Wendy Zukerman is an Australian science journalist and the host of Science Vs. She holds degrees in law and biomedical science. Meryl Horn is a neuroscientist from the University of California, San Francisco. Rose Rimler is a marine biologist and producer of Science Vs. Michelle Deng is a producer for Science Vs.
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