Diana Larsen and Tricia Broderick
Lead without Blame
Building Resilient Learning Teams
Berrett-Koehler, 2022
Playing the blame game when a problem develops at work is a bad bet. Here’s a better idea.
Playing the blame game or shaming workers who make mistakes doesn’t solve workplace problems, it creates them. Employees who feel accused or embarrassed become fearful and resentful – or they quit – instead of trying to solve problems. Agile expert Diana Larsen and leadership adviser Tricia Broderick provide a blame- and shame-free approach leaders can use to address issues and move people ahead without acrimony or recrimination. They explain how to put three powerful team motivators – “purpose, autonomy and a team’s shared co-intelligence” – to work. They delve into ways you can minimize conflict and power plays while fostering your team’s learning, resilience and results.
About the Authors
Diana Larsen is a co-founder, coach, mentor and consultant at the Agile Fluency Project. Tricia Broderick is a leadership adviser and motivational speaker.
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