Problem Solved
A Powerful System for Making Complex Decisions with Confidence and Conviction
Investigative reporter Cheryl Strauss Einhorn’s “AREA Method” provides a framework for putting ideas to use in solving problems. AREA stands for “Absolute Information, Relative Perspective, Exploration and Exploitation” and “Analysis.” This method provides steps for focusing your research so you can make more informed strategic choices. Einhorn’s suggested “Cheetah Sheet” checklists clarify decision-making at every stage so that it’s explicit, transparent and open for reflection and scrutiny. Her approach to research can help you address and eliminate prejudices. She separates the process into useful components that let you incorporate knowledge and insight from multiple sources as you make decisions and work out your tactics. getAbstract suggests Einhorn’s approach to those who want to polish their decision-making methods.
About the Author
Investigative journalist Cheryl Strauss Einhorn covers business, the economy and the financial sector. She founded CSE Consulting, a strategic consulting practice.
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