Pascal Lamy
The Geneva Consensus
Making Trade Work for All
Cambridge UP, 2013
Fair and open trade can lead to worldwide economic growth.
Pascal Lamy, former head of the World Trade Organization, makes a fervent case for free trade as a catalyst for solving many social and economic problems, including income inequality, health care access, human rights issues and unemployment. His “Geneva Consensus” principle touts open markets as crucial to integrating developing countries into the global economy. He traces the tortured history of mostly unsuccessful efforts to reform trade rules, including his personal involvement in these struggles. Developed and developing nations’ determined intransigence doesn’t discourage Lamy; he believes that the Doha Round – the latest manifestation of global trade rule-making – can lead to economic equity. getAbstract recommends his inside analysis to multinational corporate executives, policy makers and NGO leaders.
About the Author
Pascal Lamy served as director-general of the World Trade Organization from 2005 to 2013. From 1999 to 2004, he was the European Union commissioner for trade.
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