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Internet search engines seem able to deliver every possible answer for every imaginable question in an instant. But no software program can replicate or replace human intuition, the greatest gift any securities trader can wield. Inexplicable investment instincts arise from feelings that right-brain thoughts inspire. Dismissing these instinctive feelings may seem rational to traders with a lopsided preference for left-brain thinking. For a more balanced approach, apply rational, left-brain tests to right-brain ideas, says investor Curtis Faith, author of Way of the Turtle. He offers compelling evidence and personal testimony about the overlooked power of intuitive thinking in securities trading. getAbstract recommends this book to traders who want to make better use of their intuition.
About the Author
Curtis Faith is the author of Way of the Turtle, based on his successful experience as a member of a legendary Chicago securities trading group called the Turtles. In his early 20s, he earned more than $30 million as a member of this group.
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