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What’s Next for CRISPR Babies?

What’s Next for CRISPR Babies?

Following last year’s bombshell revelation, investigations mount and debates swirl about the future for gene-edited humans. Here are the four most pressing questions.

Nature, 2019

Editorial Rating



  • Controversial
  • Scientific
  • Background


The idea of a lone scientist gone rogue has long been part of the public imagination. Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui may qualify as such, having likely created the world’s first gene-edited babies. David Cyranoski discusses the fallout and potential global consequences of He’s experiment. In this Nature article, Cyranoski provides a useful overview that scientists and anyone interested in the ethical issues gene-editing raises will find thought-provoking.


  • Chinese biophysicist He Jiankui’s gene-edited babies will have repercussions across the scientific community.
  • He Jiankui failed to follow standard safety procedures, exposing himself to legal jeopardy and putting the babies’ lives at risk.
  • Scientists in the United States may be implicated in He Jiankui’s rogue action.

About the Author

David Cyranoski  is a science writer based in Shanghai.