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Make Your Company AI-Ready

Prepare your people, processes, and products for AI transformation.

Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.

Step 2


Step 3


Take Your Learning Further

9 Book

The AI Factor

How to Apply Artificial Intelligence and Use Big Data to Grow Your Business Exponentially
Asha Saxena
Post Hill, 2023
8 Book

The Intelligence Revolution

Transforming Your Business with AI
Bernard Marr
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Generative AI in Practice

100+ Amazing Ways Generative Artificial Intelligence is Changing Business and Society
Bernard Marr
Wiley, 2024
8 Book

The Adaptation Advantage

Let Go, Learn Fast, and Thrive in the Future of Work
Heather McGowan et al.
Wiley, 2020

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