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Davide Castelvecchi

8 Article

DeepMind AI Learns Simple Physics Like a Baby

Neural network could be a step towards programs for studying how human infants learn.
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature, 2022
9 Article

Beating Biometric Bias

The technology is improving – but the bigger issue is how it’s used.
Antoaneta Roussi et al.
Nature, 2020
9 Article

Here Come the Waves

After a clutch of historic detections, gravitational wave researchers have set their sights on some ambitious scientific quarry.
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature, 2018
10 Article

The Entangled Web

Quantum physics can already make communications super-secure. But exploiting some of its strangest properties could take these networks to the next level.
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature, 2018