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Peter Woolliams and Fons Trompenaars
MaryLou Costa
Erik Fisher and Seth Godin
Beyond the To-Do List
Katie Bishop
Employees with non-traditional working arrangements have been punished in pay and promotions alike. As flexible work becomes the norm, can we end the penalty?
Peter Cappelli
Work from Home, Remote Work, and the Hard Choices We All Face
Sherrell Dorsey
The Future of Work for the Rest of Us
Jeremy Myerson and Philip Ross
The Reinvention of the Modern Office
Anna Tavis and Stela Lupushor
The Art and Practice of Creating the Hybrid Workplace
Laura Wheatman Hill
Darrell M. West
Robots, AI, and Automation
Ravin Jesuthasan and John W. Boudreau
How to Reboot Your Organization’s Work Operating System
Jason Wingard and Christine Farrugia
Optimizing Talent for the Future of Work
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