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John Austin and Susan Zielinski
… and Supplying the Emerging New Mobility Solutions for an Urbanizing World
Alejandra Salgado
Using alternative routes like the Cape of Good Hope not only means longer transit times but higher freight costs. Here’s what shipping experts had to say.
Pete Buttigieg and Celeste Drake
Freight Logistics Optimization Works
Annika Zawadzki et al.
Harold Meyerson
The yearly turnover rate among long-haul truckers is 94 percent. And you wonder why you’re not getting your orders on time?
Wendover Productions
Kit Chellel et al.
The Inside Story of the Ship That Broke Global Trade
Brendan Murray
Logistics managers are battling the pandemic, a labor shortage, and huge demand to get goods to your front door.
CB Insights
From package delivery to supply chain & freight services, here’s how UPS is being unbundled.
Dirk-Maarten Molenaar et al.