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Joey Coleman
Turn Any Sale into Lifelong Loyalty in 100 Days
Hiram Damin
O sucesso das empresas focadas em clientes
Marshall Goldsmith et al.
Como os vendedores de sucesso alcançam novos patamares
How Successful Salespeople Take It to the Next Level
Joachim Büschken
Chip R. Bell and John R. Patterson
How Your Customers Have Changed and What to Do About It
Raul Pupo
Restoring Service Excellence in the Age of the Customer
Malcolm Parvey and Deborah Alston
How Your Small Business Can Find and Secure Federal Government Contracts Up to $100,000
Jeanne Bliss
Getting Past Lip Service to Passionate Action
Bryan Bergeron
A Guide to Customer Relationship Management
Gary S. Goodman Ph.D.
Stanley A. Brown and Moosha Gulyez
How to Make Your Customer Relationship Management Vision a Reality