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Barry Eichengreen
Ram Charan
As Novas Regras de Gestão em Tempos de Economia Estagnada
Managing in a Downturn
And What to Do About Them
David Enrich
The Wild Story of a Math Genius, a Gang of Backstabbing Bankers, and One of the Greatest Scams in Financial History
Roger Lowenstein
The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management
Arturo Demalde
How to restructure a company: tips and practical business cases
David Breg
WSJ’s David Breg and Rob Sloan discuss how understanding the costs of a breach can help companies organize defenses and prioritize investments.
Markus Lorenz and Roland Haslehner
First Round
Advice from Recession Era Leaders, Investors and CEOs Currently at the Helm
Eric Rosenbaum
Andrew Deichler