Tenha uma visão geral de todos os resumos de Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group.
George Friedman
The Emerging Crisis in Europe
Nikil Saval
A Secret History of the Workplace
A Forecast for the 21st Century
Edward Luce
The Rise of Modern India
Larry Donnithorne
Manuel J. Smith
Sam Walton and John Huey
My Story
Tom Kelley and Jonathan Littman
Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm
James Surowiecki
Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations
Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle Between America and Its Enemies
Micheline Maynard
How the Big Three Lost Their Grip on the American Car Market
Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff
1. A Revolutionary Mindset that Combines Competition and Cooperation. 2. The Game Theory Strategy that’s Changing the Game of Business.