Alle Zusammenfassungen von HarperCollins Leadership auf einen Blick
William Vanderbloemen
12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest
K. Scott Griffith
Um método comprovado para desenvolver resiliência e confiabilidade
Andrew N. Liveris
Um guia para o líder transformador do Século XXI
Liam Martin and Rob Rawson
Master the Lessons from the World’s Most Successful Remote-Work Pioneers
A Proven Method to Build Resilience and Reliability
George Serafeim
How Business Can Lift Up the World
A Changemaker’s Guide to Twenty-First Century Leadership
John C. Maxwell
Invista nas pessoas como se o seu futuro dependesse disso
Sam Owens
Stop Stressing. Start Performing. Get the Job You Want.
Alida Miranda-Wolff
Building Inclusive Organizations that Last
Invest in People Like Your Future Depends on It
Elizabeth Zalman and Jerry Neumann
The Honest Truth About Venture Capital from Startup to IPO
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